Contact Alianza Nacional Ríos y Cuencas de Costa Rica+- Postal address: E-Mail: Contact form+- Your name Your Email address Subject Your message (optional) Your name Your Email address Subject Your message (optional) SEE URBAN WATER Team+- Team leader Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen HackProfessor of Digital Environmental Planning at the University of Leibniz Hannover andLeader of the inter- and transdisciplinary research group SEE-URBAN-WATER Scientific staff José Fernando Chapa Zumba, Dr.-Ing.Civil Engineer Researches the implementation of Urban Green Infrastructure for stormwater management and hydrological response Member of SEE-URBAN-WATER Veronica Alejandra Neumann, M.Econ.Economist Researches the costs and benefits of Urban Green Infrastructure, and the development of policies for its promotion Member of SEE-URBAN-WATER María Antonieta Pérez Rubí, M.Sc.Biologist Researches the application of Urban Green Infrastructure for greywater treatment Member of SEE-URBAN-WATER Conrad Schiffmann M. A. Political Scientist Researches regulatory barriers and constraints for the implementation of Urban Green Infrastructure in Costa Rica Member of SEE-URBAN-WATER Manuel Beißler M.Sc.Environmental engineerResearches ecosystem services provided by Green Infrastructure in urban areas. Member of SEE-URBAN-WATER